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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Area 11L (South Orange County)

Return to Play - Guidance/Overview

We understand everyone's desire to return to the field as soon as possible, however safety is our number one priority. A phased approach will provide clear direction and understanding for coaches, players, and families to engage once again in youth sports.

While many may be excited to return to play, there are others who may be apprehensive. If a player, parent, or family are not comfortable returning to play - DON'T. We must demonstrate respect and courtesy for everyone's feeling during this time and ensure that we provide a safe environment as we return to play.

While Regions and Coaches must create a safe environment, the Parent must make the decision for their child to return to play. If, as a parent you are not comfortable in your child's returning to play - DON'T. And finally, Players must be responsible to adhere to, and respecting the social distancing requirements and contact guidelines that have been established.

AYSO remains steadfast in our commitment to the safety of our players, coaches, referees, families, and communities. It is imperative that everyone understand their roles and demonstrate a commitment adhering to these guidelines - which have been created based on federal, state, and local directives and guidance with the intent of providing a safe environment to get back on the field. If there is hesitation in returning to play - DON'T; just because you can does not mean you must.

PHASE I - Overview

  • No Contact
  • Focused on return to activity with individual training; no group drills
  • Groups not to exceed 20 participants per field
  • No sharing of water or equipment
  • Participants to remain a minimum of 10 feet apart
  • Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing
  • Additional Phase I guidance

Phase II - Overview

  • Small group training introduced; should not exceed 2v2
  • Physical contact to be minimized
  • Groups not to exceed 20 participants per field
  • No sharing of water
  • Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing
  • Additional Phase II guidance

Phase III - Overview

  • Small group training size may increase (2v2, 3v3, 4v4); should not exceed 4v4
  • Physical contact to be minimized
  • Groups not to exceed 20 participants per field
  • No sharing of water
  • Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing
  • Additional Phase III guidance

Phase IV - Overview

  • Introduction of controlled scrimmages/practice games
  • Physical contact to be minimized
  • No limitations on participants per field
  • No sharing of water
  • Recommend no travel to events that would require overnight stay
  • Additional Phase IV guidance

Phase V - Overview

  • Full return of play
  • No restriction on training session
  • No sharing of water
  • Games and tournaments to be played
  • Recommend social distancing practices still be maintained by leagues and events
  • Additional Phase V guidance

The following guidance should be applied regardless of the Return to Play phase:

  • If you are sick or feel sick, STAY HOME
  • At risk individuals, youth or adult, STAY HOME
  • Assign a 'station' for each player to place their equipment, and that they should return to during breaks
  • Each player must have their own ball and equipment
  • No one is to share water, towels, or any other equipment. This includes, but not limited to:
    • Balls; no activities should include picking up or making contact with one's hand (Phases I at minimum)
    • Shoes, Socks, or Shin Guards
    • Jersey/Uniform
    • Only coaches should place and pick-up cones
    • Practice Vests/Pinnies; At minimum these must be washed after each use.
      • Recommend issuing each player their individual practice vest/pinnie
  • No centralized hydration or refreshment stations (Phase I and II at minimum)
  • Spectators should be limited and must maintain minimum social distancing, as defined by the CDC
  • Recommend having sanitizing options available. This may include:
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Disinfectant wipes to be used to wipe down all equipment
  • Respect for each individual's choices must be the top priority. If a participant wishes to wear a face mask this should be allowed, and accommodations made if needed


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AYSO Area 11L

24310 Moulton Parkway, Suite #O-214
Laguna Hills, California 92653

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