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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Area 11L (South Orange County)


The following matrix shall be utilized in connection with any match related misconduct involving one or more teams from Area 11L.
  • The matrix shall be utilized as a guideline for the Area 11L Misconduct Coordinator (AMC) and each Regions Misconduct Coordinator (RMC), when involving anyone from the Area or Region.
  • With the guidance of the AMC and/or RMC, a Conduct Review Panel may recommend additional sanctions to those contained in the below matrix.
  • It is the responsibility of the Area Misconduct Coordinator to review all match reports submitted by the Referee of any match involving at least one team from Area 11L.
  • Regional Misconduct Coordinators are responsible for reviewing match reports submitted by the Referee of any match involving at least one team from the RMCs region.


Sanctions of Misconducts committed by a player, substitute, team official, match official, spectator, or any other person.

MC-01Player, substitute, or team official receiving a 2nd Caution in the same game.One (1) game suspension.Possible
MC-02Player Send-Off for using Offensive, Insulting, or Abusive Language and/or gestures at anyone.One (1) game minimum suspension. Additional games may be determined after a possible CRM.Recommended
MC-04Player Send-Off for Serious Foul Play (including spitting or biting) towards an opposing player, substitute, team official, match official, spectator or any other person.Two (2) game minimum suspension. Additional games may be determined after CRM.Required
(optional Area)
MC-05Player Send-Off for Violent Conduct physical or aggressive behavior towards an opposing player, substitute, team official, match official, spectator or any other person.Two (2) game minimum suspension. Additional games may be determined after CRM.Required
(optional Area)
MC-08Player Receiving two (2) Send-Offs in a season.Suspended for two (2) additional games after original time is served. Mandatory 6-month probation.Required
(optional Area)
MC-10Player participating in match where he/she is suspended.Additional one (1) game suspension. Required
MC-21Team official inappropriate behavior directed at any team officials, match official, opposing player, substitute, spectator or any other person.One (1) game minimum suspension. Additional games may be determined after CRM.Required
MC-22Team official physical assault or attempted physical or aggressive behavior towards an opposing player, substitute, team official match official, spectator or any other person.Two (2) game minimum suspension, Additional sanctions may be determined after CRM.Required
(optional Area)
MC-24Team official participation in match where the Coach was suspended previously in the same season.One (1) game minimum suspension. Additional games may be determined after the CRM. Additional suspension added to time yet to be served.Required
MC-25Team official allows a suspended player to participate in a match when the player is suspended from play.Player/Coach/Assistant Coaches will each serve a one (1) game suspension. Coaches may stagger suspension to permit team to play.Required
MC-26Team official allows non-registered player to participate in any match.Two (2) game suspension against any Coach present at original match. Coaches may stagger suspensions to permit team to continue play. Additional games may be determined after the CRM.Required
MC-27Team official using a registered AYSO player from another team without approval from the Regions RC and submission of a new roster to Area 11L.One (1) game suspension against any coach present. Coaches may stagger suspension to permit team to continue play. Additional games may be determined after the CRM.Required
MC-31Parent/Spectator inappropriate behavior directed at any team official, match official, player, substitute, spectator or any other person.Two (2) game suspension. Additional games may be determined after CRM.Required
MC-32Parent/Spectator assault or attempted assault of any team official, match official, player, substitute, spectator or any other person.Suspended for remainder of season. Six (6) game minimum suspension. Twelve (12) month probation.Required
(optional Area)
MC-33Parent/Spectator receiving a 2nd Send-Off within a 12 month period.Suspended for remainder of season. Six (6) game minimum suspension. Twelve (12) month probation.Required
(optional Area)

  1. The Conduct Review Panel may impose additional sanctions if warranted.
  2. Pursuant to MC-10, additional sanctions, including but not limited to further suspension, forfeiting of matches, and/or point deductions, will be levied against any individual or team that violates sanctions imposed pursuant to Area 11L Misconduct Policy.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the Regional Commissioner (RC), Regional Referee Administrator (RRA), Regional Coach Administrator (RCA) and/or Coach(s) to make sure and verify that all sanctions are implemented and completed according to the CRM instructions.
  4. Sanctions will be carried over to post season tournaments and subsequent season.

Match Reports

The referees match reports submitted through the MatchTrak system, shall be categorized into the following categories:

  1. Cautions, Send-Offs, Misconduct of players, team officials, spectators or any other person
  2. Injury Reports
  3. Safety and Field Conditions
  4. Other AYSO Non-Compliance Issues
  5. Any other Concerns

Conduct Review Meeting

Misconduct cases shall fall into one of two categories:

  1. Sanction Only Cases:
  2. Using the guidelines as set forth in the Area Misconduct Matrix, certain offenses may not require a formal Conduct Review Meeting (CRM). Each Region is encouraged to review and handle each case as they see fit. In these instances, the Regional Commissioner shall notify the Area Misconduct Coordinator of any sanction imposed.

  3. Misconducts Requiring a Formal Conduct Review Meeting:
  4. Using the guidelines set forth in the Area Misconduct Matrix, certain offenses require the individual(s) accused of misconduct(s) to attend a formal Conduct Review Meeting before being permitted to play in, coach and/or attend any other AYSO event. In these instances, all parties involved shall fully cooperate to facilitate a speedy meeting. For all hearings handled at the Region level it will become the Regional Commissioners responsibility to report all findings and sanctions to the Area Misconduct Coordinator, in a timely manner. This process may be delegated to a Regional staff member.

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AYSO Area 11L

24310 Moulton Parkway, Suite #O-214
Laguna Hills, California 92653

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